The secret to successful change
The secret to successful change

The secret to successful change

Too often schools are asked to fix problems that are beyond their control.  Survey results and parental complaints often highlight issues school leaders are already aware of and attempting to address. One of the reasons for a lack of progress is that by jumping straight to implementation they have failed to get the community’s support.

Eddee has three steps to successful change:

  1. Make it matter. This is articulating success in a way that genuinely resonates with all the stakeholders.
  2. Make it measurable.  This is defining critical success factors and related key performance indicators, not just for the long-term goals, but also for milestones along the way. 
  3. Make it happen. Too often schools skip the first two steps and launch from one change project to the next; introducing a degree of confusion and uncertainty as a mix of the old and the new clash like waves on a rocky shore. 

By building community support through the first two steps as part of collaborative community action the school is able to implement practical change in a realistic timeframe.